Pietro Sereni has finally been re-united with his family- his daughter Elena and Alessandro, who both work at the town police station, and their sixteen year old daughter Caterina.
Their moment of happiness is cut short, however, when Alessandro chases down a murder suspect in his car with Caterina and the car swerves off the road. It is a terrible accident that costs his daughter Caterina her eyesight. Caterina and Elena are unable to forgive him, even though Elena is forced to keep working with him.
The police are investigating into the murder of Giulia Canale, an ex-model who was dating entrepreneur Ignazio Silas. The suspect Alessandro was chasing is Diego Marra, a young man with a troubled past. His parents, Mr. And Mrs. Lai, died in a murder-suicide case 17 years earlier. Pietro saved the boy’s life at birth and, thus, feels responsible for Diego. He takes him in, even though Diego hangs out with a circle of drug dealers on the island.
It is the same circle Alessandro is investigating into, convinced that Silas is behind the illegal dealings. Caterina has a hard time accepting her new condition and her blindness weighs on her relationship with Fabrizio. She becomes closer to Diego. The two have great chemistry and grow closer and closer.
Pietro is not only taking care of Diego, but also Tobia (7 years old), the son of Sergio Carta, a drug addict that Diego was supposed to collect payment from. The child was admitted to the hospital after accidentally ingesting some of the father’s drugs and is subjected to a series of treatments and even an operation. Tobia will eventually help Diego change his life and give up drug dealing.
Meanwhile, Vanessa, Silas’ beautiful and popular daughter as well as Matteo’s ex-girlfriend, disappears. She is found dead in a cave on the island coast and it is discovered that she was infected with HIV, and so is Matteo. Matteo is questioned while his mother Isabella and is grandfather Corrado Sulci, the former Carloforte police chief, are deeply concerned. After a few false leads – that even point to Rudy, Matteo’s uncle and the school janitor –Vanessa’s death is connected both to Giulia’s and to the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Lai, who were victims of double murder.
Now on the killer’s trail, Alessandro is attacked and falls into a coma. Under these circumstances, Caterina forgives her father and hopes she will be able to cross the Carloforte channel with him, just like he promised. Even Elena forgives him. She is pregnant with his child and, despite everything, she has never stopped loving him.
It is discovered that Fabiola Lai, Diego’s mother, cheated on her husband with Saverio Sulci, the father of Matteo…and Diego. The two young men find out they are brothers. Rudy was Fabiola’s psychologist and had fallen in love with her. In a fit of jealously, he struck her and left her dying. To protect his son, Corrado killed both Mr. and Mrs. Lai so that it would look like a case of murder-suicide and buried all evidence that could link Rudy to the murder. Seventeen years later, Corrado kills again. First Giulia, who had found out the truth about him, and then Vanessa, who had involuntarily witnessed Giulia’s murder.
Once the case has been resolved, harmony returns to the Sereni family. Caterina courageously chooses not to let her handicap slow her down and embarks on the undertaking of crossing the Carloforte Channel as her loved ones happily and lovingly watch her.