War And Peace is life, love, death, desire of revenge and then forgiveness, the quest for happiness, the will of good, the fall towards evil and the reclimbing.
On the background of war, the stories of two noble the Bolkonskijs and the Rostovs, opposite to the corrupt clan of the Kuragins.
Three main characters: Natasha Rostova, strong and pure creature. Besides her Prince Andrej Bolkonskij sarcastic proud and clever, who faces the experience of war, and Pierre Bezuchov, awkward and sensible, dominated by a deep spiritual recherche.
Their destiny interweave mysteriously: Natasha and Pierre are friends since they were children.
Natasha dreams of the big love until she meets Prince Andrej. Their engagement is broken suddenly when Natasha is victim of a plot made by one of the Kuragin, Anatole.
Natasha and Andrej are destined to meet again when Andrej, wounded nd dying, forgives her.
Through the experience of war and participation to collective suffering, Natasha and Pierre discover that they are in love and want to spend life together.