The fifth series of Don Matteo is back!
And this time it’s 24 episodes after the huge success of the past series.
Yet Don Matteo remains unchanged, he is still fighting against injustice or some mislead investigation (like an innocent who’s in jail for a crime he has not committed)…
What are his tools? His disarming smile and the genuine intuition. Don Matteo has got rich sense of humour and he is a fine obsverver, no detail escapes his sight. This makes the series extraordinary because of its mixture of comedy and thriller.
On this new series many things are bound to happen: the officer Cecchini is going to be involved in a finantial fraud, captain Anceschi will foil a robbery and Natalina is gonna get through a case of international drug traffic! Pippo, Natalina, Anceschi and Cecchini will keep staying on Don Matteo’s side, like it’s always been.
New entry on this 5th series is the little orphan kid Tommaso and the big new event is the engagement between captain Anceschi and the beautiful femal mayor, Laura… even though this relationship will have to overcome many obstacles through the series.