In the first season of Doc – In your hands we followed the vicissitudes of Dr. Andrea Fanti, head of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Ambrosian Polyclinic, starting from the gunshot that erased twelve years of his memory.
Because of this amnesia, Dr. Fanti had to rebuild, step by step, his life. We have seen him rediscover the beauty of working in the ward, because being a patient has revolutionized his approach to care: he has abandoned the cold and detached attitude he had as a primary, to return to being an empathic doctor, completely dedicated to listening to the patient. To be precise, a “doctor with limitations”. Because Doc, as everyone calls him, has not been fully reintegrated into the hospital staff: given his peculiar condition, he can only have the role of a simple assistant to the specialists.
At the end of the season we left him divided between two women: Agnese, the wife from whom he did not remember having divorced and who he continues to love, and Giulia, the assistant with whom he discovered that he had started a relationship, but who after the accident no longer even knew the name.
Doc has found his new family and a new life balance in the ward. We find him right there at the beginning of the season. But he cannot imagine what kind of storm is about to hit everyone: the worst pandemic of the last hundred years, the first in the history of global extension, with Milan as the world’s epicenter.
Doc and his colleagues, like all Italian doctors, will face the Covid emergency. But this second season of the series will not induce on the critical phase of the health emergency: it will rather tell the return to normality after the end of the pandemic.
Just as the first season of Doc – In Your Hands captivated millions of viewers by telling the story of a doctor and his patients who return to life after the trauma of an illness, so the second season will fascinate them by telling the great new beginning that awaits us, after we have put this emergency behind us.
The second season, like and more than the first, will talk about hope by telling the experience of the disease as that of a second chance.
He will tell how Doc and his department, after being at the forefront of the war against Covid, begin to take care again, with all the empathy they are capable of, of the patients who rely on them in search of a diagnosis and a cure.
Each of our protagonists will have to start a new life. And in the great adventure of returning to normality, what is at stake will no longer be only the future of Doc, as in the first season, but the future of the entire department, which will be threatened in its very existence.
After the arrest of Marco Sardoni, in fact, in the department there is a new primary. And Doc will have to defend his team and his working method focused on narrative medicine and empathic relationship with patients against the decision of the new primary to transform the internal medicine department into a garrison of vigilance against future pandemics.
Doc understands the concerns of the new primary, but tries to show him how the medicine he pursues risks being dehumanizing and that for fear of contagion we cannot forget to remain human, even and above all in that crucial moment that is the relationship between a doctor and his patient.
But the new primary is determined in his goal of upsetting the department. So Doc understands that he has only one chance to save his method and his department: to face a difficult path of medical and psychological tests that allow him to recover his true role.
And go back to being primary.
But this, in addition to having to recover the progress made by medicine in the last twelve years, means having to come to terms with his prefrontality, the condition resulting from his accident for which Andrea finds himself saying everything that goes through his head, without filters: a luxury that a primary can certainly not afford. And above all Andrea has to deal with the sense of guilt for something terrible happened in the worst moment of the emergency and that everyone strives to keep hidden, like an unspeakable secret.
The second season of Doc is the first medical Italian series to tell, with realism and hope, the new life that awaits us after the pandemic