Assisi, 1198.
The bourgeois, very rich and not very aristocratic, assault the palaces of the nobles.
On the one hand, passionate and busy throwing stones, Francesco, son of Bernardone, a fabric merchant. On the other, bewildered and frightened by the horde of insurgents that besieges the palace of her family, Chiara, daughter of Favarone, of ancient lineage.
It is the first time that Chiara and Francesco‘s eyes meet.
Five years later, Chiara and Francesco meet on both sides of a table with their families.
They have already understood they are called to create a family themselves. But not one like their fathers envision.
On the night of Palm Sunday, Chiara runs away from home. In the light of torches, in a small church that Francesco had restored with his hands, Chiara deprives herself of her shoes and wears a simple tunic prepared by the friars. Francesco cuts her long, blond hair. Chiara expresses the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to Father Francesco. She is about eighteen years old and will dedicate all the rest of her life to God.
Chiara and Francesco is the story of two young adults, who have undertaken radical choices, both animated by an uncompromising love.
A universal story capable of speaking to the heart of those who believe and those who do not believe.