Authoritative. Confident. Flawless. That’s how we imagine doctors – as guardians of exclusive knowledge, who use an impossibly technical language and have in their hands our lives and our deaths.
But what happens when the man inside that white coat is sick? This doctor is also a patient. Or rather, this patient is also a doctor.
His name is Dr Andrea Fanti. Dr Fanti has lost all the memories of the last 12 years of his life following a head injury. As such, for the first time ever, he finds himself “on the other side”, no longer a doctor, but a patient.
Stripped of years of memories, he feels thrust into an unfamiliar world. Children, friends, colleagues: all strangers to him. He has only one option if he does not want to go mad and lose hope: to remain in his hospital and find a new way of being what he always wanted to be, a doctor.