“Don Matteo” is a family, a really large family actually.
The number of seasons of this TV series is rising in number as are the members of this TV family. There’s Don Matteo, police officers Cecchini, Tommasi and Severino, Natalina and Pippo in the rectory and now Laura, a young single mother, Ester, Laura’s little girl, young Tomas and many others.
As in every large family, joy and satisfaction are accompanied by problems, conflict and pain to confront and resolve. Yet most of all, there are unexpected situations…
Don Matteo knows this very well and is everyone’s point of reference.
He knows this because…
… the new “Don Matteo” series is full of unexpected and new situations, which all come with names: Alberto, Daniele, Sabrina, Margherita, Gualtiero…
But let’s go in order.
By now the rectory has a soundtrack that plays over and over again- the constant bickering between Laura and Tomas. Each of them say they cannot stand the other, but it is obvious they really like each other…a lot. Yet it is going to take time –a lot of time- before they admit it. Meanwhile, life goes on…and they meet new people…
Laura meets Alberto, a brilliant young math professor that courts her. Tomas, instead, meets Sabrina.
Sabrina is a young woman in prison. Don Matteo is the first to meet her and promises to help her. He suggests she use her day releases to work at Tomas’ airfield…
Just who is Sabrina anyway? A very young woman with a terrible inner wound. She is in prison for the attempted murder of her mother, an accusation that has marked her life and caused her family to turn away from her, maybe even forever. Sabrina has tenaciously erected a façade around her that only the patience gaze of Don Matteo can slowly begin to chisel away.
What about Tommasi? The last time we saw him he did not know whether to choose Bianca or Lia, but now his heart beats for only one girl- Lia.
When Lia returns from Rome in her police uniform, more beautiful than ever, Tommasi is star struck. The two of them waited much too long, but now they can and must realize their dream of being together… if it were not for Lia’s boyfriend Daniele, an impulsive and enthusiastic artist that is trying to persuade Lia to leave her job and move to Miami.
Tommasi faces a new situation at work too.
The new prosecutor, Gualtiero Ferri, detests him and says Tommasi is only working there because of his connections. Needless to say, the two are constantly at odds. The only good thing about this new prosecutor is his girlfriend Margherita, who Tommasi becomes very close friends with… maybe even too close…
The new and tenth season of the “Don Matteo” series unfolds in an atmosphere of crime, mystery, tears as well as laughter, romance and happiness, promising all new emotions for its affectionate fans.