Just a few months after the Conspiracy that cost his brother’s life and nearly his own, LORENZO is thirsting for revenge.
The Medici are more powerful than ever, but war with POPE SIXTUS IV is looming, and COUNT RIARIO is trying every way to force it. As the finances of the Medici Bank become more and more precarious, the political situation constrains Lorenzo to abandon the idealistic man he once was. As a result, his relationship with his wife CLARICE suffers, and it will be tested in the fire of passion when the Magnificent reconnects with a former acquaintance, the brilliant and beautiful IPPOLITA SFORZA.
Soon after, the entire Medici family will be jolted again by the discovery of the existence of GIULIO, the young son of the assassinated Giuliano. Meanwhile, Lorenzo will expand his activities as patron of the arts, discovering up-andcoming young geniuses like LEONARDO DA VINCI and MICHELANGELO.
Yet, in styling himself increasingly as Prince and champion of the Renaissance, he will find himself clashing more and more with the rising discontent of the people, who find their inspiration in the figure of one extraordinary preacher: GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA.