Daniele Liotti makes a great comeback as Francesco Neri. But as in all the best stories, you can’t expect everything to stay as it is. And in fact, in the first episode we discover that they have moved the police to a new police station… but where? In Veneto, in the Dolomites! The protests of the likeable Huber, who confesses to Vice Questore Nappi that he is sorry he can no longer work with the foresters, are of no use. Vice Questore Nappi, who is struggling with his daughter Mela, after Eva’s departure overseas to pursue her career. And he will also have to welcome home his sister Manuela (Giusy Buscemi), who is returning to the Dolomites to get married. But Vincenzo’s troubles don’t end there: a large mining company has just discovered a nickel deposit in the mountains. The valley dwellers are ready to do anything to stop it. And it is precisely near the mine that the dying body of Dafne (Aurora Ruffino) will be found, whose mysterious case will have implications for the lives of Vincenzo and Francesco… as well as the arrival on the scene of Christoph (Carlo Cecchi), an old glory of hikers and now a point of reference in the valley, who with a burdensome past behind him will do anything to safeguard that forest and try to straighten out his life.
This season, too, there will be no shortage of twists and turns, and the episodes will put the friendship between Nappi and Francesco Neri to the test. And indeed: what happened to Francesco? What happened to him?