The Apocalypse are contained in a letter in which John the Evangelist recounts the visions he sees before he dies: revelations regarding the future of humanity and the kingdom of God.
However, these revelations are written in a complex language of figures, events and symbolic actions which have since entered the collective imagination: the four knights of the Apocalypse, the seven seals, the trumpeting angels announcing the scourges, the Anti-Christ, the Lamb defeating the Beast and confirming the word of Christ.
The movie tells the story of the life of John – “the disciple Christ loved”, the last man to have seen Christ alive and the only disciple not to have died a martyr – from his adolescence alongside his Master in the streets of Palestine to his old age in Ephesus during the reign of Emperor Trajan following the ferocious persecutions of Nero and Domitian.
A fundamental figure for early Christians, John the Evangelist provides the missing link with his spiritual and physical experiences of Christ.