This film takes us, with exclusive access, into an event at the heart of the Catholic Church – the Canonization of two great modernizing Popes by the current Pope, Francis I.
As this extraordinary event unfolds, this film also lifts the lid on the ancient mysteries of Sainthood – telling the story of miracles past and present, visions prophetic and terrifying – magical instances that billions of Catholics around the world will tell you are proof of the existence of God working through the hands of man. We will take you inside The Vatican to a world where ancient, unexplainable mysteries are alive and as relevant as they have ever been.
Our story begins in the run-up to this unprecedented and historical event. A huge Mass in St. Peter’s Square will mark the Canonization of two previous Popes – John XXIII and John Paul II. Both men modernized the Church in their years in power and Pope Francis is setting the tone of his papacy by publically honouring their lives. It is a sign from him of greater change to come.
As thousands of pilgrims flood into Rome and millions prepare to watch worldwide, our cameras go behind the scenes as security teams are briefed and Vatican insiders share their memories of these two saints to be.
Much can go wrong and the world will be watching. Through our cameras in both the Vatican and City of Rome security control posts, the grand ceremony of the Canonization will play out in its epic glory.
We follow the whole process with Monsignor Dario Viganò (Director in charge of the TV Broadcast of the event), Father Pavel Benedik (in charge of the Papal Sacristy), Floribeth Mora Diaz (who experienced the 2nd miracle of JPII), Andrea Benedetti (Head of the “Sanpietrini” workmen at St. Peter’s Basilica), Vice-Chief Giuseppe Moschitta (in charge of Local Security) and Cardinals Dziwisz, Saraiva Martins and grech along with Monsignor Celli, Father Lombardi and Ex-Press Secretary Navarro Valls give us their personal insight into the events at the Vatican.
In embracing Sainthood, Pope Francis is also reinforcing the ancient mysteries of the church. He is reminding the world that Catholics believe a strange Godly power still exists in the world, and that God can ‘intercede’ in the mortal activities of man, giving a chosen few unexplainable power to perform miracles, to heal or to see things – visions – that are not visible to mere mortals.